125cc Motorcycle Owners Club

Honda CBF125, CBR125 and Yamaha YBR125

Honda CBF125 and YBR125 Running Costs

You can work out the running costs of the motorcycle, the following are with UK prices.

I should warn you that seeing all the running costs below might be a shock.
You will either realise it's very, very cheap to run,
or you will think it's very expensive,
since you have not seen the costs of another bike or car.
If you work out the running costs of a large bike or car,
you will find they are much more expensive to run.

The average miles per year for the average UK motorcycle is around 2500 miles,
but I have used 5000 miles in my calculations below,
since that is what I expect is more common for a commuting motorcycle,
of course you can change that figure with a calculator.

Fuel consumption will vary dramatically depending on your speed.
My guess is it could vary between 90 mpg and 130 mpg.
The MPG I have entered below is not accurate but it's a guide,
for between 50 mph and flat out.

Tyre wear can also vary substantially so should only be used as a general guide.
The Oil change below is around the mileage a good mechanic would change it at,
not what the owner's manual states.

Bike devaluation is impossible to get right since it depends on the age of the bike,
as well as the current market at the time of buying and selling.
It could even be around £1000 for a brand new bike after 1 year.

Insurance can also vary dramatically from around £75 to well over £200.


142.9p a litre

142.9p * 4.54 =

649p a UK gallon

      Per Mile
Fuel Economy 100 mpg   6.49p (649p / 100mpg)
Oil £10 1750 0.57p (£10 / 1750)
Sparkplug £4 2500 0.16p
Chain Lube £9 12000 0.08p
Tyres £110.00 10000 1.10p
    Total 1.91p
Miles / year   5000 £420 (6.49p + 1.91p) * 5000
      Per Year
Insurance     £150.00
Road Tax     £16.00
MOT     £30
Breakdown     £0.00
Bike Devaluation     £150.00
    Total per Year £346
    Per Day £0.95
    Per Week £6.65
  Final Total per Year £420 + £346 £766
  Final Total per Day £766 / 365 £2.10
  Final Total per Week £766 / 52 £14.73